Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Crabzilla, The 50 Foot Crab?

The Incredible Giant Crab by VegasMike on deviantART

When this story first came across my newsfeed today; originally shared from aol-on, I immediately jumped on it. After doing some research I was amazed how many sites claimed this was unsolved....I discovered that the story was first published some time in 2013! Even the most popular debunking sites only got as far as "probably false"....Seriously?

I have captured the aerial image from bingmaps and the comparison speaks for itself



The largest crabs in the world are Japanese Spider Crabs, which can grow to about 3.7 metres in size, about as big as a small car. They tend to stay in deep water and don't come ashore.

Headlines News LMAO! 

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Facebook-Social Media Scams

My niece sent this post to me because she questioned the validity. Being the curious and inquisitive person that I am ...this is what I found;


AUSTIN, Texas - (March 20, 2014) - An individual recently posted to Facebook soliciting donations for a patient at "Dell Hospital." This is a false post. Please note, Seton Healthcare Family and Dell Children's Medical Center of Central Texas, a Seton hospital, do not solicit funds for individual patients at any time through social media. This incident has been reported to Facebook authorities.

Do NOT respond to or forward a message that states something like this:

There are a few ways to detect a fake post or scam; misspelled words, lack of information, and discovering no News coverage by doing a little research. Most of the time you can use certain keywords from the post, like names or places or just typing in the first sentence in the post into a  search engine.

I have to wonder how this sort of thing effects innocent people. I mean images are stolen and used for scams can ruin a reputation. From I can tell the image was originally posted on Google+ by a nasty female named

Veronica Perez.

 Google brought up the image 3 times in my search and all three times it showed her as the original poster. Although Google has deleted the image of the man from the profile pages of these three people, you can still read the post. I believe that if I start posting the profile pics of these thoughtless people then it will make them realize to think before you share!!

If you decide to take time to research any post before you share and discover that they are fake or scams, then do the right thing and Click Report This Image on the social media site where it was posted.

The first site found that indicated it was indeed a scam was at www.seton.net/beware_of_facebook_scam_but_please_consider_donations_via_amplify_austin

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Odd Shapes in the Dayton Skyline

As I came from my doctor appointment at a Dayton Medical Center I noticed the skyline. As I held up my camera phone these images appeared. I looked down at my LCD screen for a second but when I lifted my camera to take another photo the shapes were gone (see photo below) I can assure you no Photoshop or any other editing software was used.

What Do You Think?

and Gone!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Erika Alexander Explains Why White Executives Only Cast Blacks in Stereo...

The "industry" that she has demoralized is both black and white so which
entity is she focusing on here? She says "white executives are afraid
of the dark other" that is the biggest load of crap...Ms. Alexander
please do more research before you speak about such important
matters...seriously...you may be articulate in your vocabulary but you
are flip flopping all over the place and its nonsense...After reading
some comments here I realize how detrimental such a mixed message can
affect people...like this guy who comments:

A guy on commenting on this video on Youtube (below)
1 month ago

they do,honey. Not only do they REALIZE they're being racist, they KNOW
they're being racist and as far as the money thing, it's all about the
money, sweetheart. They know damn well that in America OR overseas that
they're not trying to put nor see a nigger in a leading man role unless
he's a magic negro. It would scare the living fuckin' daylights out of
white people."

My response (mybloggedlife):

A magic Negro? wth is that?
LMAO....do you mean they have acting talent? Like do you consider
Denzell Washington, Cicly Tyson, Jamie Foxx, Morgan Freeman, Taraji
Henson, Samuel Jackson, Halle Berry, Djimon Hounsou, Terrance Howard,
Danny Glover. Will Smith, Angela Bassett, Whoopi, Oprah Winfrey...are
these people "Magic" by your definition? I love movies and actors that
can move me with their talents and these people are high up on the list
of my favorites!

 Maybe if you and most other commentators here
actually knew who owns Hollywood you might realize that in order to make
it big they must sign on the dotted line (and that's all it is!) Google
Dave Chapelle for starters. Hollywood Cinema does not see color they
see $$ and they can make or break you based on signing yourself over to
them....Black, White or otherwise is not the issue...I concur with
Ericka Alexander about the existence of racism (in Television) But
instead of breaking the barriers of segregation and stereotypes, people
like Robert L. Johnson founded BET, MasterP founded BBT and Andrew Young
and MLK,III founded Bounce TV just to name a few. I have to say THAT is
where I see the problem. That's just in-your-face culture bias from
this viewers perspective... Then here comes Tyler Perry, criticized by
people including Spike Lee for reinforcing racial stereotypes. Although I
feel that when black screen writers make movies/shows based almost
consistently on black culture there isn't much room for white people.I
guess that is the ugly truth in Television vs real life in that regard,
it's sad! The Good News is a whole slue of talented writers, directors
and producers are breaking the barriers...I just found this site

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Jared Seeking A Hot Girl

Oops! Jared was trying to be funny, but one of his videos went viral. A failed attempt at fame via YouTube led this video to be taken seriously as a weird kid seeking a hot girlfriend. The comments in all the FaceBook post are not the notoriety he was looking for.


Here's his public apology...  

Friday, July 25, 2014

Facebook Fools Continue to Share Crap in the Newsfeed!

This photo was staged as a joke at a Renaissance Fair...then "stolen" and used as propaganda...now THAT is whats wrong with this country...all you people with your blind judgements! I found the photoshopped image on facebook in my newsfeed from The Tea Party Page and was blown away by all the attacks on this young women without knowing anything about her or the photo. She is NOT a white trash welfare slut who got pregnant by her brother (thats the kind of comments I am referring to...WOW) She was handed the cigarette long enough to take the photo as a personal joke...not to be stolen, changed and then posted under false pretenses and to have her character ripped apart by idiots...people these days will just follow blindly to whatever is posted on FB .... Fools! Seriously if you do not know how to decipher truth from fiction by doing a little googling or are just too lazy then get off you face-booking ass and watch tv....and just keep your comments to yourself!
Read the story here! 

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Puppy Forced To Drink Vodka?

This image has been shared on Facebook too many times to count since first being posted in 2012. The guy in the photo in Ontaria Canada had this image taken as a joke, it was a hoax of poor taste...He has since apologized publicly after the police were led to his whereabouts.

Click the link below to read the article and the police statement and the statement from the guy in pic too... 

Monday, May 19, 2014

Mother Banned For Posting Photos of Baby; Now Images Go Viral Scam

 I become so agitated when I see post like this on Face Book. This Mother had their photo copied from Facebook to be used in a fake post. The image below is self-explanatory, but it has 66,000 Likes and almost 500,000 Shares!! I just don't get it; why do people do this sort of thing?  Likers and Sharers are just as guilty in my opinion. Haven't these people learned how to Google? If researching before sharing posts is too complicated or time consuming, then how about at least reading the comments on the original post. Most likely, scrolling the comment section under any given post, will clue you in to it's authenticity. Otherwise do not pass on this false information by Liking, or Sharing.

I see these types of viral images every single day on Facebook and work hard to prove or disprove them at www.facebookviralimagessolved.blogspot.com because the madness needs to stop.

The true story of this Mother and her infant, is that her newborn baby passed only eight hours after being born on February 15, 2012. She posted the photos to share with family and friends as a memorial to her precious child. I am thinking that possibly enough people clicked that little "report image" link that Facebook heeded the request and removed the image. When the Mother continued to re-posted the photos, her account was eventually closed. The news story can be seen here
Facebook bans mother for posting photos of baby with birth defec - KCTV5

I am not sure as to the current post that is traveling through the Newsfeeds on Facebook (publicly) But it looks like some scam or scheme to gain sympathy for this made-up accident in which to gain monetarily and that sickens me. Hasn't this family has been through enough already?
 To conclude: Although it's only been 2 years or so since this family endured such a loss, I wish them the best. Rest in Peace baby Grayson.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Milky Way- The Heaven's Trail Myth

    en.wikipedia.org                                         www.500px.com/ThomasZ                                google image search

 I recently received a comment on my Pinterest board  asking me if I had seen a particular image (center photo above), a viral image infamously known and captioned as "Heaven's Trail". My curiosity got the best of me as it often does. I was led to her article titled The true Tale of "Heaven's Trail" and then later found a great article here written by Thomas Zimmer himself. As I continued with my research on the seemingly phenomenal photo, that included captions like “There’s a place in Ireland where every 2 years, the stars line up with this trail on June 10th-June 18th. It’s called the Heaven’s Trail.” 

Although the photo was taken at Island Sylt, North Sea, as described in Zimmer's article, the rest of the hype is just plain nonsense created by someone's fantasy and then passed on and on by the most gullible people. According to Zimmer the photo is very real with no special photoshop effects. Maybe a few filtering and enhancements in my opinion, but overall a real image taken with a real camera.

I included various keywords in my search, such as; Milky Way, Heaven's Trail and so on....I quickly came to the conclusion that the photographer gained a lot of attention. Having an image go viral, giving way for a photographer/artist to further gain his popularity. If I were him, I would post my site url on every forum, blog, etc. that I could find and baste in the glory and debunk any falsities in the process.

Below I included quite a few Milky Way mythologies among other cultures. I wonder if one day, in the very distant future will the Heavens Trail myth be included in such a list. Just for fun, I added a cyber-culture myth below.

Mythology among cultures (quoted from en.wikipedia.org)


Ancient Armenian mythology called the Milky Way the "Straw Thief's Way". According to legend, the god Vahagn stole some straw from the Assyrian king Barsham and brought it to Armenia during a cold winter. When he fled across the heavens, he spilled some of the straw along the way.


The Khoisan people of the Kalahari desert in southern Africa say that long ago there were no stars and the night was pitch black. A girl, who was lonely and wanted to visit other people, threw the embers from a fire into the sky and created the Milky Way.


A Cherokee folktale tells of a dog who stole some cornmeal and was chased away. He ran away to the north, spilling the cornmeal along the way. The Milky Way is thus called "The Way the Dog Ran Away".

Eastern Asia

Peoples in Eastern Asia believed that the hazy band of stars was the "Silvery River" of Heaven.  In one story, the stars Altair and Vega were said to be two lovers who were allowed to meet only once a year on the seventh day of the seventh month, when a flock of magpies and crows formed a bridge over the galactic river.


In Egyptian mythology, the Milky Way was considered a pool of cow's milk. It was deified as a fertility cow-goddess by the name of Bat. Among the Finns, Estonians and related peoples, the Milky Way was and is called "The Pathway of the Birds". The Finns observed that the migratory birds used the galaxy as a guideline to travel south, where they believed Lintukoto (bird home) resided. In Estonian folklore it is believed that the birds are led by a white bird with the head of a maiden who chases birds of prey away. Only later did scientists indeed confirm this observation; the migratory birds use the Milky Way as a guide to travel to warmer, southern lands during the winter.


In Mesopotamian mythology the tail of Tiamat became the Milky Way. Another myth about Labbu is similar interpreted.

Greek and Roman

The Greek name for the Milky way is derived from the word for milk. One legend explains how the Milky Way was created by Heracles when he was a baby. His father, Zeus, was fond of his son, who was born of the mortal woman Alcmene. He decided to let the infant Heracles suckle on his divine wife Hera's milk when she was asleep, an act which would endow the baby with godlike qualities. When Hera woke up and realized that she was breastfeeding an unknown infant, she pushed him away and the spurting milk became the Milky Way.
(older Greek Myths not included)


In the Hindu collection of stories called Bhagavata Purana, all the visible stars and planets moving through space are likened to a dolphin that swims through the water, and the heavens is called śiśumãra cakra, the dolphin disc. The Milky Way forms the abdomen of the dolphin and is called Akasaganga which means "The Ganges River of the Sky".


In Hungarian mythology, Csaba, the mythical son of Attila the Hun and ancestor of the Hungarians is supposed to ride down the Milky Way when the Székelys (ethnic Hungarians living in Transylvania) are threatened. Thus the Milky Way is called "The Road of the Warriors" Hungarian: Hadak Útja. The stars themselves are sparks from the horseshoes.

For more information on Milky Walk Mythology visit en.wikipedia.org 


During the Millennium Age, between the Age of Aquarius and the Age of Pisces, humanity entered into a time of awakening. Some religious in nature, praying that their souls will find their way to a utopian- like place in the Kingdom of Heaven. When such seekers came across an image on the World Wide Web, that was deemed as being "Heaven's Trail" (captured by the infamous Thomas Zimmer)- those seekers imagined it would lead them to a place to dwell peacefully for all eternity. 

With any spiritual notion comes a scientific theory.

Galileo first turned his telescope on the Milky Way in 1609; this was one of his major discoveries. It wasn't until a couple of centuries later that astronomers began to realize that this band of stars was in fact the local version of the "spiral nebulae" that astronomers were discovering all over the sky.
Learn more about the Milky Way here

For more information on Milky Walk Mythology visit en.wikipedia.org

Thursday, May 1, 2014

800 Pound Snake Pulled From Chicago Lake?

 I firmly believe the snake was caught and held in front of the camera at close range (most likely by the guy taking the photo) which obviously would make the snake appear much larger than it really is. As an added bonus the backhoe in the background creates the illusion that the snake is being hoisted...good one!

Careful what you click on folks! This here is a scam read on to learn more.

Here's an article I found www.theepochtimes.com

A viral Facebook post is saying an 800-pound snake was pulled out a Chicago, Ill., lake, but it’s just a scam.
The post has a well-used image that was taken in Indonesia a few years ago of what appears to by a reticulated python being held by a tractor. There’s no video footage of a snake that large in Chicago.
Similar Facebook scams have used the same snake image under different pretexts, including a scam of that very same snake being found in North Carolina.
When one clicks on the post, they’re taken to a website that prompts them to share first before going further. This allows the posts to be spread even further, which can make money for the scammers.
After that, users are taken to a page that displays surveys that also generate revenue for the scammers. It’s not recommended to fill these out.
“Once on the website, the victim will be asked to complete surveys or share the same website before he/she can view the video. Now, sharing this web page will only help spread this scam to other Facebook users. And, completing the surveys will only generate revenue for the cybercriminals behind this scam,” says security website Online Threat Alerts about similar scams. “The victim on the other hand, will not be able to view the video that they were promised, because it doesn’t exist.”
“If you have shared this scam, remove the share Facebook post from your Timeline or Wall, because this will help stop the spreading of this scam.”
Facebook has promised to clean up spam recently, but the company has a lot of work to do.
“Some stories in News Feed use inaccurate language or formatting to try and trick people into clicking through to a website that contains only ads or a combination of frequently circulated content and ads. For instance, often these stories claim to link to a photo album but instead take the viewer to a website with just ads,” Facebook said earlier this month.

The Jesus PC Illusion

How does the Jesus optical illusion work?

By staring at the illusion for so long in one place, the light from your monitor temporarily makes an impression within your eye on the light receptors. When you look up and blink at the wall or ceiling, the image becomes more clearly visible to you in a negative form. Since it was a negative image to begin with, you have reversed the image back into a positive.

To prove this theory, I opened the image in a photo editing program and selected "invert colors" from the drop down menu...
                                   Before                                                                      After

Syrian child found sleeping near the graves of his parents?


The art project of Saudi Arabian photographer Abdel Aziz Al-Atibi was staged using his very own nephew and fake graves, but picked up on social media networks and captioned as being a picture of a Syrian child found sleeping near the graves of his parents.
January 3, 2014. He posted the image on Instagram, with the text; "Some kids might feel that their dead parents' bodies are more affectionate to them than the people they're living with." Al-Atibi; later remarked; "I'm a photographer and I try to talk about the suffering that is happening in society, it's my hobby and my exaggeration is intended to deliver my idea."  

Source: www.beirut.com

Roller Coaster Accident- Malware Alert!

Most likely, if you are an avid Facebook user you have seen this post or others very similar to it. Do you yourself a favor and control your compulsive nature by not clicking on everything that comes ups in your Newsfeed. Be suspicious of words like "shocking," "incredible" or "must see"... even if it pops up on your feed, and appears to be from a friend.

If you are as curious as I am you will do a Google or YouTube search. If it is real, you will find that video clip elsewhere. Your computer won't catch a virus from YouTube or most other video sites, because you don't download anything to your computer.

A simple search will reveal that this video doesn't exist or it is malware, virus or a scam.

Fox News (9) did a great report on this here www.wcpo.com-beware-shocking-roller-coaster-accident-video

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Ocean Hut in Maldives

This Image has been around Facebook quite a bit.
Although it looks too good to be true, it really does
 exist in the Republic of Maldive.

As of April 30th, 2014 Since I Love Oceans on Facebook first posted, it has had:

Being an attractive vacation spot as seen here at pbstravels


The Republic of Maldives is a group of atolls in the Indian Ocean about 417 mi (671 km) southwest of Sri Lanka. Its 1,190 coral islets stretch over an area of 35,200 sq mi (90,000 sq km). With global warming and the shrinking of the polar ice caps, the Maldives is directly threatened, as none of its islands rises more than six feet above sea level.

Wants More Facts?
Read More about Maldives here at wikipedia.org 

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Blaze, The Talking Dog Says No To Kennel

Talking 12 month old husky, 'Blaze' from New Hampshire, prefers his freedom and says "No" to his kennel. As of March 1st, 2014, he has over 11 Million views! Way to go Blaze, you're a Superstar!!