Sunday, October 30, 2016

When Does Time Fall Back 2016

 It's fall back time again!  NOVEMBER 6th, 2016


I bought an automatic clock so I never have to worry about the time changes for my kitchen and I bought another bedside clock that charges my cell phone and my ipad!

What's new in clock technology? Some clocks set easy is that? Never worry about forgetting to set the time.
Click this link to see a whole assortment of clocks, watches and more!
Automatic Clocks Galore!

Why do we use Daylight Savings Time? Why does Time Spring forward and Fall back? Here is an interesting read...

New Zealander George Hudson proposed the idea of daylight saving in 1895. The German Empire and Austria-Hungary organized the first nationwide implementation, starting on April 30, 1916. Many countries have used it at various times since then, particularly since the energy crisis of the learn more check this out savings time

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